
Book Format
Hardback, 9.25 x 10.75 in. / 384 pgs / 340 color / 6 tinted black and white.

Publishing Status
Pub Date 3/1/2008
No longer our product

D.A.P. Exclusive
Catalog: Spring 2008 p. 167   
List Price: $75.00

Chasing Clouds: A Decade of Studies by Emily Cheng

Emily Cheng's work, combines the use of linguistic symbols and visual imagery to portray and construct spiritual connections between humanity, nature and the universe. This reflects the artist's pursuit of human origins and the exploration of the essence in the cosmos. Her works are concise and abstract, featuring bright and translucent colors. The arrangement and combination of dots, lines, and various geometric color blocks have become the distinctive features of her pieces. The composition of her works presents a tension of order through rational rigor. The layout of colors and variations in brightness create a sense of depth in both time and breadth in space. The entire picture is filled with the dynamic energy of the sun, moon, and stars, revealing a grand and vast serenity.

This immense monograph focuses on 305 drawings that she has made in the last decade, and includes an index that traces her diverse sources: China's Zhou to Qing Dynasties; Renaissance, Baroque and Byzantine art and architecture; Korean, Japanese and Indian cultures; the study of drapery in the West and in Asia, largely through religious figures; and depictions of the arabesque in plants, flowers, trees, clouds and fire in Taoist and Buddhist imagery. Cheng's work is contextualized within the field of contemporary abstract painting, and the subtle differences between European and Chinese techniques, influences and methodologies in her work are examined in detail.

Please contact us to purchase Emily Cheng’s art book. Contact us

Released August 28, 2023

Yaks of the Industry are:
Damien Quartz
Michael "Mo" Ouyang
John Nolt
Ken Mahru
Sam Douglass

All songs written, performed, and produced by Yaks of the Industry
"Can't Let It Go" featured guest vocals: Jeff Fal, Mark Wengelewski

all rights reserved

Elks of the Economy by Yaks of the Industry 

YOTI participated in the 2022 Nur Ein contest under the pseudonym "Elks of the Economy," making the semifinal and generating these seven songs, which were meticulously® crafted to the titles and songwriting challenges provided by the contest judges. As a result, the group of songs ended up diverging from the songwriting formulae employed on the first Yaks album. Elks of the Economy explores synthpop, disco rock, experimental pop, and even "latin jazz" in an idiosyncratic and uniquely Yaks song sampler.

Look out for the third Yaks release, to come out in late 2023

Released July 14, 2023

Moody Vermin are:
Mo Ouyang
Roy Walter

Music, lyrics, concepts, production by Moody Vermin
additional vocals:
Tearing Up: Huan-Hua Chye
One Minute Closer: Huan-Hua Chye, Tom Morton

album art: Tom Morton

all rights reserved

Influence by Moody Vermin

Moody Vermin are a progressive rock collective comprised of longtime internet collaborators who have never met in real life, but who share questions and concerns about modern society. They also exude naturally intense rock energy.

Influence is an album in which we explore the ways influence permeates our post-postmodern society, via interrogating our own musical influences.

Chasing Clouds: A Decade of Studies by Emily Cheng

Emily Cheng's work, combines the use of linguistic symbols and visual imagery to portray and construct spiritual connections between humanity, nature and the universe. This reflects the artist's pursuit of human origins and the exploration of the essence in the cosmos. Her works are concise and abstract, featuring bright and translucent colors. The arrangement and combination of dots, lines, and various geometric color blocks have become the distinctive features of her pieces. The composition of her works presents a tension of order through rational rigor. The layout of colors and variations in brightness create a sense of depth in both time and breadth in space. The entire picture is filled with the dynamic energy of the sun, moon, and stars, revealing a grand and vast serenity.

This immense monograph focuses on 305 drawings that she has made in the last decade, and includes an index that traces her diverse sources: China's Zhou to Qing Dynasties; Renaissance, Baroque and Byzantine art and architecture; Korean, Japanese and Indian cultures; the study of drapery in the West and in Asia, largely through religious figures; and depictions of the arabesque in plants, flowers, trees, clouds and fire in Taoist and Buddhist imagery. Cheng's work is contextualized within the field of contemporary abstract painting, and the subtle differences between European and Chinese techniques, influences and methodologies in her work are examined in detail.

Please contact us to purchase Emily Cheng’s art book. Contact us


Book Format
Hardback, 9.25 x 10.75 in. / 384 pgs / 340 color / 6 tinted black and white.

Publishing Status
Pub Date 3/1/2008
No longer our product

D.A.P. Exclusive
Catalog: Spring 2008 p. 167   
List Price: $75.00

Elks of the Economy by Yaks of the Industry 

YOTI participated in the 2022 Nur Ein contest under the pseudonym "Elks of the Economy," making the semifinal and generating these seven songs, which were meticulously® crafted to the titles and songwriting challenges provided by the contest judges. As a result, the group of songs ended up diverging from the songwriting formulae employed on the first Yaks album. Elks of the Economy explores synthpop, disco rock, experimental pop, and even "latin jazz" in an idiosyncratic and uniquely Yaks song sampler.

Look out for the third Yaks release, to come out in late 2023

Released August 28, 2023

Yaks of the Industry are:

Damien Quartz
Michael "Mo" Ouyang
John Nolt
Ken Mahru
Sam Douglass

All songs written, performed, and produced by Yaks of the Industry
"Can't Let It Go" featured guest vocals: Jeff Fal, Mark Wengelewski

all rights reserved

Influence by Moody Vermin

Moody Vermin are a progressive rock collective comprised of longtime internet collaborators who have never met in real life, but who share questions and concerns about modern society. They also exude naturally intense rock energy.

Influence is an album in which we explore the ways influence permeates our post-postmodern society, via interrogating our own musical influences.

Released July 14, 2023

Moody Vermin are:
Mo Ouyang
Roy Walter

Music, lyrics, concepts, production by Moody Vermin
additional vocals:
Tearing Up: Huan-Hua Chye
One Minute Closer: Huan-Hua Chye, Tom Morton

album art: Tom Morton

all rights reserved